Breast Feeding and Bottele feeding

During an interview, a patient reveals that she is pregnant. She states that she is not sure whether she will breastfeed her baby and asks for some information about this. Which of these statements by the nurse is accurate with regard to breastfeeding?

a."Breastfed babies tend to be more colicky."
b."Breastfeeding provides the perfect food and antibodies for your baby."
c."Breastfed babies eat more often than infants on formula."
d."Breastfeeding is second nature, and every woman can do it."

Exclusively breastfeeding for 6 months provides the perfect food and antibodies for the baby, decreases the risk of ear infections, promotes bonding, and provides relaxation

When a breastfeeding mother is diagnosed with a breast abscess, which of these instructions from the nurse is correct? The mother needs to:

a.Continue to nurse on both sides to encourage milk flow.
b.Immediately discontinue nursing to allow for healing.
c.Temporarily discontinue nursing on the affected breast, and manually express milk and discard it.
d.Temporarily discontinue nursing on affected breast, but manually express milk and give it to the baby.



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SNLE Question Discussion -Training4Nurse Academy

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