Biostatistics - Case Fatality Rate

 Question :

According to 2008 Estimated cancer prevelance and 2011 deaths (in thousands and rounded ) that shown on ( Table below ) , what is the case-fatality rate for pancreatic cancer ?

  A- 05% 
  B-14 %

The answer is 30/40 or, 75%. The two pieces of data you need are highlighted green.  That’s it!!!
The mistake some students make in the forums is that they add the number of fatalities to the total (“All”). For example, the MISTAKE-ANSWER would look like, 30/70. Here, the denominator (70) double counts the 30 fatalities.
The number of fatalities, the number males, number of persons over 50, the number of tall people – or, whatever – are ALL subsets of “All.”   “All” is the denominator and the ‘thing’ being asked about, like fatalities, in the numerator.  BTW, “All” is analogous to “n” (total population) in the many formulae you’ve seen throughout your education. 


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SNLE Question Discussion -Training4Nurse Academy