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مؤخرا في اختبارات الهيئة لعام 2017 ورد مجموعة من الاسئلة متعلقة بمستويات القلق level of anxiety ،الاكتئابlevels of depression ، و حتى فيما يتعلق بدرجة الجدية للانتحار واطرح لكم في هذه المدونة مناقشة لهذا النوع من الاسئلة ومجموعة من الاسئلة التي وردت في اختبارات الهيئة .
Question (1)

Decreased attention span. 
Decreased ability to concentrate.
Reduced alertness to environmental events (e.g., someone talking may not be heard; part of the room may not be noticed).
Unable to concentrate or problem-solve. 
Effective learning cannot occur.
May not take notice of an event even when attention is directed by another.
Unable to comprehend even simple directions.
Misconceptions of the environment common (e.g., perceived detail may be elaborated and out of proportion.)
Rarely experienced as distressful. 
Motivation is increased.
Gastric discomfort. 
Increased muscular tension. 
Increased in speech rate, volume, and pitch.
May lead to a degree of impairment in interpersonal relationships as individual begins to focus on self and the need to relieve personal discomfort.
Terror. Bizarre behavior, including shouting, screaming, running about wildly, clinging to anyone or anything from which a sense of safety and security is derived. Hallucinations, delusions. 
Extreme withdrawal into self.
Question (1) 
A 29 year old client newly diagnosed with breast cancer is pacing, with rapid speech headache and inability to focus with what the doctor was saying. 
The nurse assesses the level of anxiety as: 

A. moderate
B. mild
C. severe
D. panic 

 Correct Answer and Rational : severe
توضيح السؤال : مريضة بعمر 29 سنة تم تشخيصها حديثا بسرطان الثدي، تظهر عليها الاعراض التالية تخطو خطوات سريعة وطريقتها في الحديث سريعة لدرجة ان طريقتها في الكلام تسبب الصداع ، وغير قادرة على التركيز على مايقوله الطبيب ،، بناءا على هذه العلامات والأعراض ما هو مستوى القلق لدى هذه المريضة ؟؟

اذا المطلوب تحديد درجة وشدة القلق عند المريضة بناءا على مايظهر عليها من علامات واعراض   

The client’s manifestations indicate severe anxiety. وفي الحالة المذكورة تبدو المريضة في حالة قلق شديد

اذا من المهم جدا أن تميز بين درجات القلق اعتمادا على مايظهر من اعراض وعلامات

Mild anxiety القلق البسيط : is manifested by :
1-slight muscle tension توتر او تشنج طفبف في العضلات
2-slight fidgeting تململ طفيف
3-alertness تأهب
4-ability to concentrate قادر على التركيز
5-capable of problem solving. قادر على حل المشكلات

Moderate Anxiety :
1-Moderate muscle tension توتر متوسط بالعضلات
2-increased vital signs ارتفاع بالعلامات الحيوية
3-periodic slow pacing
4-increased rate of speech
5-difficulty in concentrating

Panic  الهلع level of anxiety is characterized by   نوبة الهلع تتميز ب
1-immobilization  التجمد الحركي ،،عدم القدرة على التحرك
2-incoherence  عدم ترابط الكلام والتشوش
3-feeling of being overhelmed and disorganization.  الشعور بالارباك والفوضى

Question (2) 

A nurse is caring for a client who is scheduled for cardiac catheterization. When arriving for the procedure, the client reports walking that morning with butterflies in the stomach, a sense of restlessness, urinary frequency, and some difficulty concentrating while driving to the hospital. 

The admitting nurse should assess the client's anxiety level as which of the following?

A. moderate
B. mild
   C. severe
D. panic 

Correct Answer is :  A. moderate

This is not unusual considering the intrusive medical procedure the client is about to undergo

Question (3)

A 22 year-old man presented to the mental health clinic with a low-mood ,a general loss of interest in activities and inability to experience pleasure .he admitted to suicidal thoughts and extreme lack of energy . He was prescribed a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor to be taken daily. One month later ,he presented to the clinic and reports feeling more energetic ,but still has low-mood.

What is the patient's level of risk committing suicide at this time ?


Correct Answer : D-High


المشاركات الشائعة من هذه المدونة

SNLE Question Discussion -Training4Nurse Academy