
عرض المشاركات من ديسمبر, 2017

Breast Examination

The nurse is conducting a class about breast self-examination (BSE). Which of these statements indicates proper BSE technique? a.The best time to perform BSE is in the middle of the menstrual cycle. b.The woman needs to perform BSE only bimonthly unless she has fibrocystic breast tissue. c.The best time to perform a BSE is 4 to 7 days after the first day of the menstrual period. d.If she suspects that she is pregnant, then the woman should not perform a BSE until her baby is born. ANS: The best time to perform BSE is 4 to 7 days after the first day of the menstrual period. The nurse should help each woman establish a regular schedule of self-care. The best time to conduct breast self-examination is right after the menstrual period, or the fourth through seventh day of the menstrual cycle, when the breasts are the smallest and least congested. Advise the pregnant or menopausal woman who is not having menstrual periods to select a familiar date to examine her bre...

Breast Feeding and Bottele feeding

During an interview, a patient reveals that she is pregnant. She states that she is not sure whether she will breastfeed her baby and asks for some information about this. Which of these statements by the nurse is accurate with regard to breastfeeding? a."Breastfed babies tend to be more colicky." b."Breastfeeding provides the perfect food and antibodies for your baby." c."Breastfed babies eat more often than infants on formula." d."Breastfeeding is second nature, and every woman can do it." ANS: "Breastfeeding provides the perfect food and antibodies for your baby." Exclusively breastfeeding for 6 months provides the perfect food and antibodies for the baby, decreases the risk of ear infections, promotes bonding, and provides relaxation When a breastfeeding mother is diagnosed with a breast abscess, which of these instructions from the nurse is correct? The mother needs to: a.Continue to nurse on both sides to enc...

Biostatistics - Case Fatality Rate

 Question : According to 2008 Estimated cancer prevelance and 2011 deaths (in thousands and rounded ) that shown on ( Table below ) , what is the case-fatality rate for pancreatic cancer ?   A- 05%    B-14 %   C-75%    D-33%  The answer is 30/40 or, 75% . The two pieces of data you need are highlighted green.  That’s it!!! The mistake some students make in the forums is that they add the number of fatalities to the total (“All”). For example, the MISTAKE-ANSWER would look like, 30/70. Here, the denominator (70) double counts the 30 fatalities. The number of fatalities, the number males, number of persons over 50, the number of tall people – or, whatever – are ALL subsets of “All.”   “All” is the denominator and the ‘thing’ being asked about, like fatalities , in the numerator.  BTW, “All” is analogous to “n” (total population) in the many formulae you’ve seen throughout y...

Descriptive and analytical epidemiology

Descriptive and analytical epidemiology Descriptive epidemiology is used to characterize the distribution of disease within a population. It describes the person, place, and time characteristics of disease occurrence. Analytical epidemiology, on the other hand, is used to test hypotheses to determine whether statistical associations exist between suspected causal factors and disease occurrence. It also is used to test the effectiveness and safety of therapeutic and medical interventions. The tests of analytical epidemiology are carried out through four major types of research study designs: cross-sectional studies, case-control studies , cohort studies, and controlled clinical trials. Cross-sectional studies are used to explore associations of disease with variables of interest. For example, a cross-sectional study designed to investigate whether residential exposure to the radioactive gas radon increases the risk of lung cancer may examine the level of radon gas in ...

Incidence and prevalence rates

Incidence and prevalence rates The occurrence of disease can be measured by using incidence rates and prevalence rates. The incidence rate measures the occurrence of new cases of a disease in a population over a period of time. The incidence rate is an important measure for evaluating disease-control programs and has implications for the future problems of medical care. For example, the calculation of incidence rates of HIV/ AIDS provides insight into whether the disease is spreading and whether HIV-prevention programs are working. The prevalence rate measures the total number of existing cases of a disease in a population at a given point in time or over a period of time. The prevalence rate is a useful indicator of the burden of a disease on the medical and social systems of a geographic region. It is useful only for diseases of long duration (months or years). For example, within countries, prevalence rates can be used to determine the medical, economic, and social ...

Morbidity and mortality rates

Morbidity and mortality rates The analysis of morbidity and mortality caused by acute and chronic diseases forms the basis of many epidemiological studies. Morbidity represents the illness, symptoms, or impairments produced by a disease, whereas mortality is death caused by a disease. Acute diseases are those that strike and disappear quickly, within a month or so (e.g., chickenpox and influenza). Chronic diseases are those that are long-term; chronic diseases often are incurable (e.g., many forms of cancer and diabetes mellitus ). Morbidity and mortality rates allow researchers to compare disease cases and deaths to the unit size of population. A rate is a special type of proportion that includes a specification of time, and the numerator of the proportion is included in the denominator. Rates can be expressed in any form that is convenient (e.g., per 1,000, per 10,000, or per 100,000). Infant mortality rates, for example, are typically expressed per 1,000 live bir...

Epidemic , Endemic, Pandemic

Endemic is defined as the usual occurrence of a disease within a population. In contrast, an epidemic is a sudden and great increase in the occurrence of a disease within a population. It may also be the first occurrence of an entirely new disease. An epidemic can give rise to a pandemic , which is a rapidly emerging outbreak of a disease that affects populations across a wide geographical area. Pandemics often are worldwide in scope. As an illustration of the three types: small numbers of people may be affected by influenza throughout the year in a large city; those individuals would be considered endemic cases of the disease. If the number of people affected by influenza in the same city increases to high levels in the winter, the outbreak would be considered an epidemic. If a new variety of influenza emerges and affects people throughout the world, the outbreak would be considered a pandemic. An example of a pandemic is the influenza pandemic of 1918–19 , which spr...

Case fatality rate , Mortality Rate

  Case fatality rate , also called case fatality ratio ,:the proportion of people who die from a specified disease among all individuals diagnosed with the disease over a certain period of time   Case fatality rate is calculated by dividing the number of deaths from a specified disease over a defined period of time by the number of individuals diagnosed with the disease during that time; the resulting ratio is then multiplied by 100 to yield a percentage   mortality rate, another measure of death for a given population As an example , consider two population. One population consists of 1,000 people; 300 of these people have the specified disease, 100 of whom die from the disease.  In this case, the mortality rate for the disease is 100 ÷ 1,000 = 0.1, or 10 percent.  The case fatality rate is 100 ÷ 300 = 0.33, or 33 percent.  The second population also has 1,000 people; 50 people have the disease and 40 die from it. Her...
The nurse teaches the patient whose surgery will result in a sigmoid colostomy that the feces expelled through the colostomy will be solid. semi-mushy. mushy. fluid.      Correct Answer : A. solid.    With a sigmoid colostomy, the feces are solid.  With a descending colostomy, the feces are semi-mushy.  With a transverse colostomy, the feces are mushy.  With an ascending colostomy, the feces are fluid.
Question : A nurse is caring for an eight year-old male with cystic fibrosis . Based on the nurse's understanding of the disease what nursing intervention should the nurse expect to perform ? A-Restrict Sodium and fluid intake B-Give antidiarrheal medications C-Discourage coughing after postural drainage D- Administer pancreatic enzymes with each meal Correct Answer : D- Administer Pancreatic enzymes with each meal   من ضمن اسئلة شهر ديسمبر ورد سؤال يتعلق بتكرار اجراء Pap smear test لاكتشاف سرطان عنق الرحم المبكر ،، والجدول اعلاه يبين لكم بدقة وفقا للمرحلة العمرية للمريضة كل كم يجب اجراء فحص Pap smear Question : A female patient has been advised that labratory tests confirm herpes simplex virus (HSV ),type 2 .The nurse should teach the patient that a Papanicolaou test ( Pap smear ) is recommended .  A- Every 6 months if symptoms persist despite treatment   B- Every year even if asymptomatic     c-whenev...
اقدم لكم متابعي وطلابي الكرام مجموعة قيمة جدا من الاسئلة والمعلومات حول موضوع الحروق أ.عمر حماد Question 1 : A client is admitted to the emergency room with partial-thickness burns to his right arm and full thickness burns to his trunk . According to the Rule of Nines , the nurse calculates the total body surface area (TBSA)involved as : A-20% B-35% C-45% D-60% Correct Answer : According to the rule of Ninees ,the arm (9%)+ the trunk (36%)=45 % Remember head & neck =9% right arm = 9% left arm = 9% torso front TOTAL FRONT TORSO 18% : chest 9% abdomen 9% back torso TOTAL BACK TORSO 18% : upper back 9% lower back 9% right leg TOTAL right LEG 18% : front 9% back 9% left leg TOTAL left LEG 18% : front 9% back 9% genetalia = 1% Question 2 :A client is admitted with burns of the right arm, ِAnterior chest, and head. According to the Rule of Nines, the percent of burn injury is: A-18% B-27% C-36% D-45% Correct Answer : 27% Burn injury o...